Gilbert Stephens X Simpkins Edwards Joint Seminar

10th November 2023

We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who attended our joint seminar with Simpkins Edwards yesterday afternoon at Okehampton Business Centre. The event was a great success with a brilliant turnout!

Conall Ryan gave an insightful talk on Wills and LPA’s, followed by Paul Williamson who spoke on Inheritence Tax and Estates, which certainly kept everyone fully engaged! Following the talks, there were plenty of questions from the floor, which sparked discussions and debate amongst the room and were all answered in great detail by both Conall and Paul.

We even had a delicious buffet lunch with many more discussions. It was also a good opportunity for people to talk to our speakers on a 1:1 basis if they had any further questions.

If you have any queries, or would like to book an appointment, please call us on 01837 512100 or email

Or if you would like us to arrange a bespoke seminar for you and your colleagues please do get in contact.