Contract Disputes

It is vital that should your business become involved in a contract dispute that you receive the correct advice as a matter of urgency. We have the experience and knowledge to guide you on the best way forward to resolving the dispute.

We handle contract disputes for all types of businesses to include;

  1. Insurance claims
  2. Company/Shareholder/Partnership disputes
  3. Disputes over contracts for the supply of goods and/or services
  4. Professional Negligence matters
  5. Employment disputes
  6. Landlord and Tenant

Why choose us?

Our commercial litigation team is able to successfully manage any claim for you, quickly and cost effectively. The starting point is consideration of the contract itself or the documents making up the contract. We give advice on the likely damages that may be recovered, costs involved and associated risks. We adopt a straightforward, realistic approach and where possible attempt to achieve a negotiated settlement, in many cases without the need for expensive and lengthy litigation.

Contact one of our litigation team below to discuss your circumstances.

Mark Perry
Mark Perry

email | 01392 424242

INDIVIDUALS, Personal Injury, Civil Litigation Individual, Civil Litigation Business, Debt Recovery, Landlord and Tenant

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Carolyn McAndrew
Carolyn McAndrew

Associate Solicitor
email | 01392 424242

Civil Litigation Individual, Personal Debt Recovery, Civil Litigation Business, Debt Recovery

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