
Christmas Opening Hours 2015

29th December 2015

We wish all our clients, prospective clients and contacts a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Our offices will be closed from 5pm on Friday 23 December 2016 until 9am on Tuesday 3 January 2017.

Supreme Court ruling – does it open the floodgates to claims from the past?

12th November 2015

In a ruling by the Supreme Court on 11 March Kathleen Wyatt was given permission to make a claim for a financial order against her former husband Dale Vince, even though they separated in the mid 1980’s and were divorced in 1982. It is by no means certain that she will be successful but the case underlines the fact there is no time limit for ex-spouses to apply to a court for a financial settlement following a divorce – however weak their claim may appear to be.

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